Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Next Step

I have taken a class, practiced with my coach, bought my first firearm. Now what? I have this new skill and affinity for shooting but no one to share my experience.  My friends are not really interested in my " gun talk".  It's just not their thing.  They say things like, " Why do you want a gun?"  " You might shoot yourself! "  " You are crazy girlfriend!" " You don't need a gun, you just need a boyfriend to protect you! "  (  said a guy) I even had a law enforcement officer tell me, " why don't you just get a dog."

So , off to the range I go, by myself. Sometimes my coach would meet me there! These were the best days of all. It was much more enjoyable to have someone with me. He shared my excitement. We challenged each other and made the drills into  little games! It was FUN!  I would leave the range with a bit of an adrenaline rush and a feeling of empowerment!   When you do something you really enjoy, it's only natural to want to talk about it with friends.  My friends would listen politely, but I could almost hear them yawning, I was boring them to death. I would call my Dad or my brother and get some satisfaction as they would actually ask me questions and show a genuine interest but it's just not the same as talking to girlfriends.
Then, as if right on cue, my wish comes true.  My coach sends me a link to an article about A Girl and a Gun Women' s Shooting  League (  that is starting a chapter not too far from me. I made plans to attend. I was looking forward to meeting other women who shared my interest in shooting.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Gun Show Adventure

I woke up feeling brave one day and decided to go on an adventure . I had seen a bill board for a local gun show.  Now for a guy, this would be no big deal right?   Guns and men seem to be a natural fit as would a woman shopping in a mall.  Being a woman in a predominantly male  environment can be quite intimidating.
I really had no idea what to expect but offf I went, by myself.  The parking lot was full and seemed to go on forever.  There were men walking to and from their cars with rifles, shot guns etc. An occasional woman tagging along.   The sun was blazing and I began to sweat again. A combination of being hot AND nervous this time.   There were police inside the door checking people's firearms to make sure they were not loaded.  The place was massive and overwhelming.  People milling about with a sense of purpose. There was so much more than guns, but every kind of gun imaginable, antiques to the most modern.  How do I begin to explain the wide range of products people were selling? Let's just say from insoles for your shoes, knives and mace to crab cakes and pickles!  Being new to the whole world of guns, I must admit there were many things that I had no idea what they were!
I weaved my way up and down the aisles feeling like a fish out of water.  I stopped at a couple vendors to look at the handguns.  Repeatedly, I was shown the "girl" guns. The small , often pink ones of which I had no interest.  I was not looking for a "carry" gun.  I wanted a gun for home defense, besides , I felt as if I needed some experience with a gun  before I started walking around with a loaded gun on my hip.  My advice to the vendors? Don't assume all girls want a small pink gun.  I wasn't particularly offended, but I know some women who definitely would have been.

I didn't stay long, probably less than 2 hours.
I left the gun show that day with three things.  A new experience, which I will describe as educational ,  a sense of pride for being brave enough to go by myself and a membership to the NRA.

Monday, November 3, 2014

A New Journey

My journey began with taking a class.  I had no idea what to expect. This was uncharted waters for me.  The idea of guns seems to be a topic people do not discuss openly often, so I kept this new adventure to myself.
The class was a huge success. I struck gold when I found my instructor, Bill McEwen, of This is a man who is passionate about teaching with a strong focus on safety.  We seemed to hit it off immediately and Bill became my coach, meeting me at the range and sharing his guns and knowledge with me. Ultimately guiding me in my purchase of my first firearm.

Being a woman and shopping for my first firearm was intimidating to say the least.  Armed with a list of recommended guns, I headed off to my first gun store.  (Kings shooter supply) Talk about a fish out of water! Not at all like the shopping experience I am accustomed .  I tried my best to look confident even though I was beginning to sweat from nervousness!  After asking to handle a few guns, the sales man asked, " are you sure this is your first firearm purchase?"  "Yes, why?" I answered. " because you seem to know more about  handling and manipulating a firearm than most first timers" he said.  Wow! That instantly made me feel better. My coach must have taught me well. Although I did get quite a bit of unsolicited advise from other male customers, overall, I felt everyone was genuinely trying to be helpful. It could only get easier from here!  Next stop... The Gun Show!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Me ? A Gun Enthusiast?

I never thought I'd be in a "closet" and certainly not THIS closet! If you told me two years ago that I'd be a gun enthusiast, no...wait, a gun enthusiast addict! I would have laughed at you! The idea of guns does not scare me, I grew up with a father and brothers who hunted, but the idea of  little ole me a gunslinger? No way.

So how did I get here? It all started with wanting a gun for home defense. Since my divorce, it's been just me and my son. I thought about it for a while, put it on my "to do" list,even filled out the application for a concealed carry license. when the ccl came in, I searched on line for a class. If I was going to do this, I needed to be competent and confident in handling a firearm.  And here begins my journey into the world of being a gunslinger! Who knew?  To be continued...